Our previous setup meant your website’s PHP code used to be executed in an isolated LXC container. We have now replaced our old LXC containers setup with Docker containers, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
This setup enables easy deployment of upgrades, including PHP security fixes or other internal libraries fixes (in a matter of minutes), since we’ve automated the building and deployment of containers. We use s6 to run different services (like memcached and php-fpm) .
The memory limits are the same, by default, the memory is limited to 128MB per request.
The user request time limits ( request timeouts) follow these rules:
- website public pages – 30 seconds
- wp-admin – 30 seconds, and it can be increased up to 60 seconds with a support request
- wp-cron – 30 seconds, and it can be increased using `set_time_limit()`. There is a 15 minutes hard limit, though.
For additional informations regarding the latest specs of our WordPress hosting platform, please check our PHP docs section.