After publishing gitfs, the git-powered file system, the project has gained a lot of traction. What started as a relatively small project that was needed internally has gathered 684 stars on GitHub and counting. Every now and then people ask us about what they can do with gitfs, and how they would like to use it in places we never imagined.
Immediately after the launch, we went ahead and did a few presentations of the software at the local universities. We got feedback both for the product and our presentations and slowly upped the ante by applying to PyCon Sei 2015, in Florence Italy. Here is the first version of our presentation:

Then came 2015’s Sweden-held PyCon where we did another presentation. The presentation is mostly the same, but we definitely learned a lot from our first Pycon:

OpenTech 2015 that was held in London was another great experience, one that we unfortunately have no video of. What we can say is that we were already getting the hang of it during our third big presentation.
Last but not least, EuroPython 2015 in Bilbao. We’re there now after just having presented. Our design changed, our presentation improved, and we’re enjoying the rest of the talks.

Here’s a map of all the places we’ve been to with gitfs until now: