Domains section

Here you can learn how to manage your domains. You can now easily add, configure and remove domains and sub-domains, as well as add valid purchase certificates.

This section aims at guiding you through the process of adding and removing domains and sub-domains. You can sleect your main domain and your cdn domain and all the other domains and sub-domains will redirect permanently (HTTP code 301 ) to the default domain. Please note that any changes in your site’s domains (from one domain to another) can seriously affect your site’s traffic if it’s not done properly.

Be aware that only site owners have the possibility of adding and removing domains, being also the only ones to view and manage the DNS zones .

By default, we add your naked domain together with the www sub-domain.

You can also set the sub-domain used for delivering the static content by our CDN . We usually set cdn as a sub-domain (e.g., unless you have a different sub-domain for delivering static resources. Be cautious when changing the CDN sub-domain of your site, as it might influence the traffic coming from images search queries. In case you are changing your site’s CDN subdomain, you need to flush the page cache for this change to take effect.

The Domains Section of the Managed Hosting Dashboard

Additionally, here you can add valid purchased certificates to each domain. Domains with have a Let’s Encrypt certificate that can’t be changed — hence, the certificate will not be listed in the dashboard. For more information, check our Manage Certificates section.


How can I add and redirect a second domain to my site?

You can add a new domain in the Domains section , and it will automatically redirect to the main domain if you are using the nameservers provided by Presslabs.

How can I change the main domain of my site?

To change your main domain, simply add the new domain in the Domains section , then select it as a main domain. You can also select your CDN domain. All the other domains you have here will redirect to the main domain.