Presslabs Database specifications

MySQL is our go-to database, also known as the default WordPress Database engine. Knowing how to request a database snapshot from our Managed Hosting Dashboard is a must-have.

WordPress uses by default MySQL as the Database engine and this is what we have implemented in our DB stack.

The MySQL cluster is provisioned using our MySQL Operator . The MySQL stack consists of one primary (master) server and one replica (slave) server configured with automatic failover mechanism in case the primary server fails. The queries are routed using ProxySQL , where writes are made on master and reads are made from the slaves. A MySQL cluster is shared by sites from the same tier and regions and we are using the powerful MySQL access control and account management to isolate between them.

The default storage engine that we’re currently using is InnoDB combined with the default encoding utf8_general_ci.

In case you need a DB dump, you can request one from the snapshots section on our dashboard, from Sites -> Snapshots -> Request database snapshot.We recommend you to either disable the post revisions altogether or limit them to maximum 3 revisions per post. In time, the tables become filled with redundant data which will never be used, but take up storage space, leading to performance issues. Since we do not offer direct access to wp-config.php for security reasons, you can create your custom wp-config.php or simply drop us an email at and we will take care of either disabling or limiting the revisions for your site.