#Previously in our Monthly Presslabs Round-up…
Our colleagues on the development front have worked on bringing Kubernetes Clusters closer to our clients and enthusiastic devs, thus spending almost two weeks to test and fabricate MySQL Operator tutorials for three major platforms—AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. The positive reactions we’ve received encourages us to continue in this direction, and we will be back with one more tutorial on Digital Ocean, soon.
We have also crafted a new, enriched development tutorial for Git, adding specific guides for Github development and Fork development on popular operating systems, Windows and macOS. Moreover, our Zone Management section in docs has also been improved.
If you didn’t get the time to get in sync with our activity here at Presslabs back in August, you can take a glance at our summary.
#Teambuildings that make teams build
We’ve been out and about at the beginning of September, heading for our annual Presslabs teambuilding. The Retezat National Park has been tremendously welcoming to us, as we’ve spent an entire weekend outdoors, enjoying good weather, equally leafy and rocky landscapes, happy to be able to challenge ourselves into climbing its paths with zero accidents. In turns, we’ve teamed up to clean all the rubbish that burdened the mountain. Our evenings concluded with chats around the campfire, games and savory dinners.

#Community Events
The already familiar and globally spread WordPress community marks another event this fall, now in Bucharest. Our co-founder & proud CTO Calin Don has been invited as a guest speaker at WordCamp Bucharest on the 27-28th of October. Calin’s presentation is entitled “Automating WordPress Operations with Kubernetes“, thus aiming to share bits from the know-how he’s earned.
Due to their keen interest and hard work on making our Presslabs infrastructure Kubernetes-friendly, our colleagues Calin Don & Flavius Mecea will make an iconic duo to represent us at Percona Live 2018, on the 5-7th of November, in Frankfurt, Germany. Together they share the story of how Percona turned out to be one of the keys to unlock containers’ resistance to databases.
#Development updates on the rise
We continue our work in consolidating the Kubernetes MySQL Operator by bringing an extra layer—the Service Monitor, an add-on that has been also extended to the WordPress Operator, which is soon going to graduate and get its own page on the newly reorganized Code section of our site, with all our open-source contributions. We have integrated the controller-util in the dashboard, which makes testing much easier. The last one on our priorities list was adding new credentials to ensure MySQL backups security.
#September-seasoned stories
Starting the month with an article addressing site speed test and website performance turned out to be a good idea, as it opened the conversation for the second most pressing challenge for WordPress publishers: security. In our article on the topic, we’ve comprised some pieces of advice that are anchored in 2018, together with statistics that really put things into perspective.
It was only natural to close the circle of our Kubernetes MySQL operator tutorials with a proper round-up, where we’ve included best practices and the pros & cons of installing it on each platform.
See you in November for new updates!