The most important thing in the hosting business is making sure the sites you host are always up. From the beginning, it was very important to us to have an independent uptime monitoring system we can rely on.
We’ve been using Pingdom for 5 years now. What we managed to cope in time was the very slow interface (even for Romanians like us, with fast internet ). But it’s time to move on to a more flexible service, that also comes with better support.
We are now switching systems from Pingdom to StatusCake, and we are also launching an open source tool for downloading data from Pingdom. This is an internal tool we used to download all our data in order to move it to StatusCake, and because it has helped us a great deal, we are happy to launch it as an open source tool for anyone needing a similar tool.
It has been our mission to give back to the community with high-quality open source tools, so we are happy to add another great tool to our already existing repository. PingDownload can be found on GitHub, it also has a how-to manual:
usage: pingdownload [-h] -u USER -p PASSWORD -k KEY
(-a | -i CHECK_ID [CHECK_ID ...]) [--from-id FROM_ID]
Download pingdom data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER Pingdom username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Pingdom password
-k KEY, --key KEY Pingdom application key
-a, --all Backup all checks
-i CHECK_ID [CHECK_ID ...], --check-id CHECK_ID [CHECK_ID ...]
Pingdom check ids to download data for
--from-id FROM_ID Archive checks with id greater than this id
--debug Enable debug messages
It is guaranteed to make your life easier, as experienced first-hand by us 🙂 .
As always, if you have any feedback on this tool, we are glad to hear it.